Course equivalencies can be found using the Equivalent Course Tool.
Additionally, to further assist you in exploring transfer options, Baylor has partnered with Transferology, a nationwide network by CollegeSource. This valuable tool allows you to assess how your previous courses, exams and military experience will be awarded for transferable credits at Baylor. Explore your options with Transferology now.
Undergraduate Admissions will review your coursework after you have been accepted to Baylor. A Transfer Credit Evaluation will be posted in your goBAYLOR account once the review is completed.
No. Once you have found the course you intend to take using the Equivalent Course Tool, you should use the print feature to print a copy of the equivalency for your records. Before enrolling in the course, however, you need to make sure that you have read all transfer credit policies carefully to ensure that you are eligible to complete any additional transfer courses.
If the course you want to take does not appear, the course will be evaluated once we receive an official college transcript and all course descriptions/syllabi.
Courses taught online or in a hybrid (meaning partly online or partly face-to-face) format are acceptable provided that they meet all other expectations with regard to the course characteristics used to determine equivalencies.
Equivalent courses are determined by department chairs based upon the following course characteristics: course description, textbook, course objectives, assignments, number of credit hours, course prerequisites and program quality (determined based on a process designed by the Office of Institutional Research in consultation with the relevant department chair and the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education). Courses found using the Equivalent Course Tool have already been determined as equivalent.
Program quality is determined based on a process designed by Baylor's Office of Institutional Research in consultation with department chairs and the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. The process tracks how students perform in subsequent courses when they have completed prerequisite courses elsewhere and then transferred them to Baylor. In most cases, the process is initiated by department chairs who wish to see how students transferring prerequisite courses from a particular institution are performing in subsequent courses at Baylor.
No. If this occurs, the problem is with the browser that you are using, not with the Equivalent Course Tool. If you experience this problem, you need to clear the history in your browser, including the "cookies." Once you have cleared the history and all cookies (which will empty the cache), restart the browser and try the Equivalent Course Tool again. That should fix the problem. If you are using Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge as your browser, switching to Safari or Google Chrome might also fix the problem. If you experience further difficulties, contact the Baylor HELP desk at (254) 710-HELP (4357).
Pre-matriculation means before enrolling as an official Baylor student. Post-matriculation means after a student has officially enrolled at Baylor. A student's matriculation date is the date they begin coursework at Baylor.
The office to contact at Baylor regarding credit by exam originally earned at another institution is Student Testing Services at (254) 710-2061.
Office Hours (CT)
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.