The French major prepares graduates to speak, read and write the French language fluently. French is often chosen as a minor or second major for students interested in international business, diplomacy, government or law. The French language is a useful foundation for any international career. It is the only language besides English that is spoken on five continents. Available courses include:
- French Civilization
- Paris: A Cultural Overview
- Francophone Culture and Literature
- Introduction to French Cinema
- Cuisine and Culture in the French-Speaking World
- Tour de France: Regions and Provinces
View course listings here.
The French program offers several study abroad opportunities. These include summer, semester and exchange programs with a variety of opportunities aside from class instruction in the language. Students will experience the day-to-day life of the city in which they are studying as well as the extraordinarily rich culture that France has to offer. These experiences enhance classroom learning by exposing students to French language and culture.
Baylor also offers several Living-Learning Centers. Living-Learning Centers are housing opportunities designed to place students of common interests together. Baylor offers a Baylor and Beyond Living-Learning Center. This residential option is available for all majors and classifications. The Baylor and Beyond Living-Learning Center is ideal for students interested in language and culture. It is also ideal for students interested in engaging the world around them.
For more information: French