The Spanish language, a romance language, is now the second most prevalent language spoken globally. Baylor offers a Bachelor of Arts major as well as a minor in Spanish that gives students the opportunity to study the language, culture, literature and history of various Hispanic nations. Available courses include:
- Professional and Literary Translation
- Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
- Hispanic Literature
- Spanish Civilization
- Spanish Drama of the Golden Age
Spanish is a useful asset to any field of study. Many students choose to pick up a Spanish minor or secondary major to support their first major. Because Spanish is such a widely-spoken language, occupations utilizing Spanish are not hard to find. Many students have gone on to complete graduate studies, teach or work in international affairs.
Study Abroad is recommended for all foreign language and international majors. The Spanish program offers several study abroad opportunities, including summer, semester and exchange programs.
Baylor offers several Living-Learning Centers which are housing opportunities designed to place students of common interests together. The Baylor and Beyond Living-Learning Center is ideal for students majoring in foreign languages or studies who wish to put their skills into practice. It is available to students of all majors and classifications.
For more information: Spanish