The Louise Herrington School of Nursing offers upper division (junior and senior) bachelor and master programs at the Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, a world-famous teaching and research hospital. Undergraduate students pursue a bachelor's degree in nursing as they prepare for the registered nurse licensure. A student majoring in Nursing (designated as a pre-major) will complete the first 60 hours in Waco. Upon completion, the student will move to Dallas to complete the remaining 65 hours. The school and all its programs are fully accredited by the Commission on College Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by the Texas Board of Nurses. Available courses include:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- The Childbearing Family
- Intro to Critical Care Nursing
- Oncological Nursing
- Human Needs
Baylor Nursing's first two years combine liberal arts with natural and behavioral science courses. The two years in Dallas provide students with advanced courses and field experience. These hands-on experiences prepare future graduates for a professional career in nursing. Clinicals occur in the Baylor Medical Healthcare System (clinical ratio of faculty to students is 8 to 1). Due to years of experience with the Baylor Medical Healthcare System, graduates are competitive in the job market.
Baylor offers several Living-Learning Centers, which are housing opportunities designed to place students of common interests together. The Science & Health Living-Learning Center is a residential option available for pre-health students. Students are able to collaborate with each other as well as science faculty and medical researchers.
For more information: Nursing